Anti-Resolutions for 2010

There's a fun writing game going on this week over at Write Anything, so for ever in favour of killing two birds with one stone, my 3WW piece today is about those resolutions I refuse to take.

  • I will refuse to tow the party line by being ambushed into staying up until midnight on 31 December, just because everyone else is doing it. If I'm having a good time and want to prolong that, so be it. If not, off to bed and up early in the morning.
  • I will stop arguing with my friends who insists on buying me a drink when we go out. Indeed, I will refuse to differ with anyone who offers to buy me a drink.
  • I will refuse to answer anyone who asks me, "Where do you find time to read all those books?" when they see me returning from the library. They have no business meddling in my affairs. A sweet smile will have to suffice.
  • I will most definitely not refuse the car keys to my children once they pass their driving test. I shall be far too happy to have someone to drive me around whenever I need to go somewhere.
  • I will not stand in front of a car which tries to park on the pavement. Principles are fine but cars are bigger.
  • I will not succumb to the pressure to buy one of those hideous, sixty seconds a minute, sixty minutes an hour, 24 hours a day (ad infinitum) "just wanted to check up on how you're doing" control machines - otherwise known as cell phones, or portable telephones, depending on which part of the English speaking world you're in.
  • I will not score the winning try for Wales in the 6 nations decider this year. At my age, the time has come to bow out gracefully. However, I cannot account for whatever may or may not happen in my dreams.
  • I shall not succumb to my neighbour's pressure to not sing quite so loudly whenever I pass by his house. Indeed, if he mentions this again, I might raise the decibels ever so slightly.
  • I shall not get vaccinated against a certain brand of animal flue doing the rounds at the moment, just because the French president is too mean to grant me a few days off to recover should I fall ill.
  • I shall not resist peer pressure to publish the links to this piece on the 3WW and Write Anything sites.


gave me a chuckle. now I'm off to think about what I "won't" do this year :)

30 December 2009 at 19:37  

God bless you man...this is the best list I have ever seen!


30 December 2009 at 20:24  

You've inspired me to write my own list.

30 December 2009 at 22:44  

A great list.

31 December 2009 at 00:49  

I might just have to make a copy of this list for things I need to remember and do... Thanks for posting!

3WW for Dec 30th, 2009

31 December 2009 at 04:31  

That was funny but I refuse to write my own ;)

31 December 2009 at 18:29  

Hey! Visit my blog! I'm just starting out; advice would be great...
-Rya S.
I also made Anti-Resolutions :)
here is the link:

1 January 2010 at 04:29  

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